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10-24-21 Hey Patrice,
It’s been quite some time since I reached out to you regarding Bella, so I wanted to touch base and let you know all is well! She’s the absolute best dog, so smart and so sweet and cuddly! She is attached at my hip at all times lol which I’m 100% ok with. She just turned 2 August 15th which is crazy to think, time is really flying by! I’m going to attach some pictures of her just so you can see what a gorgeous dog she’s grown to be, as if you had any doubt! Hope you guys are staying safe and well! Take care.
7-6-21 Patrice, We wanted to tell you that Olive is the most loving dog we have ever owned. We are very happy to have her playing in our house and sleeping in our bed.
Stuart and Jenny
Cary, NC
12-15-20 He is just the best dog we ever had .. 12 others.. just V v smart.. plays alot a keeps self entertained. Goes out to poop/ pee 5 AM everyday...we hav fenced tiny yard right off family room where we r most times.. rarely uses overnight paper....
Knows name, “come”, “Out”, “ NO”.. v bitey but husband gets him to stop w him.. will get real teeth then less bitey..
LOVES all dogs/ people he meets..sweet in AM early w me.. lays on my chest sucking my nightie like it is his Mama’s breast V hungry a growing.. 4# but gaining now again.. v v tired w “ growing pains” every few days.. runs a plays ALL DAY, but every ? hour crashes wherever he is a sleeps ? .5-1.5 hrs...
8-18-20 Hello, I just wanted to let you know how great it is to have one of your pups. During this "stay at home" period, Tutie has kept us entertained. She's also a great walker that keeps us moving, too. Our only complaint is that she's too friendly. She seems to think that everyone is suppose to love her. Thanks for raising such a good dog.
Bonnie Gill
2-21-20 Patrice
We just wanted to express how much we love the puppies purchased from you
Our female Tawney (Dobe liver) is used for breeding
Excellent mom and no difficulties with deliveries
Then we liked her so well we purchased a male (Red/White parti) for a male stud
He’s the best stud and dad
They will be 4 and 3 later this year
We are so happy we found you and it was well worth the drive to pick them up
Thank You
2-20-20 Dear Patrice,
Here is a picture of Paxton the day I picked him up from you and now a year old on Feb 10, 2020... I want to tell you how amazing your grand fur-baby is to us, especially to my fiance Jon and his big brother Kodi, Jon usually is not a toy breed kinda guy, with just one look at Paxton, he fell in love with him, now the both of them are inseparable, like his shadow😊 I want to Thank You for trusting us with your precious little guy... Lots of Hugs and Kisses from Paxton and I
Sincerely, Staci Short
Patrice, Just wanted to give you and your brother an update on Brody (Rocco) and Jackson (Joey). Brody weighs 11 lbs now and Jackson weighs 8 lbs. We love them so much and they constantly make us laugh. They are very smart and are 100% housebroken. Thanks so much for trusting us with your puppies. They are mending my broken heart. They are now 7 months old.
Susan Newton from Va Beach
Sunday, March 16, 2014 In May, 2013 we lost our beloved "Sophie" Shih Tzu after 14 years of complete devotion and friendship. Several months after, we looked at adopting another Shih Tzu puppy. We looked at a number of breeders from Texas to Ohio and decided after much communication with Patrice Chappell, that her puppies were for us. Fast forward, we adopted Dodger and Scout, our beautiful boy puppies, and are having the time of our lives. Now 5 months old, they are energetic, beautiful, smart and easily trained. We are so grateful to Patrice and her family for working with us on this very important decision. Her puppies are healthy and well-bred. She is a conscientious breeder with one thing in mind…..Healthy, adjusted, puppies for families who are seeking the same. Thanks Patrice for our beautiful boys! We are very happy and so are they! Melanie & Rob Kraftt
Just wanted to send you some current pictures of Mia. She is just about six months old now and still a joy to me. Just at 5 lbs. A playful little girl and a trouble maker at times, she has a basket full of toys that she drags all around the house, especially a big teddy bear that is four times her size! Love her to pieces
From Nellia on February 25th, 2013: Patrice, [Mia] is a joy to me. She plays all the time with her basketful of toys, loves the squeaky ones the most. She is crate trained all through the night now. House trained-getting there-three steps forward, one step back. She weighs 4.5 lbs now and is one fluffy ball of fur. Such a sweet face and loves to kiss. Doesn't bark during the day anymore. I keep her in my kitchen with a radio on, country music seems to suit her:) She is quite cuddily. She likes to be brushed and combed, loved on and loves to play play play. Everyone who meets her falls in love. I have a SUV and got a doggie car seat for her so she can sit up high and look out the windows. I take her most everywhere I go. Met her "cousins" this weekend and all three of them got along just great. I am thankful for that being that I see my daughter so much and sometimes go with them on trips in their 5th wheel to the desert with friends. Since I stay in their RV it will work out well now that we know they all get along. She did well on a leash the first time I tried it but I am not able to walk her as much as I probably should because I need knee replacement surgery. But I try to give her lots of exercise around the house. Then all of a sudden she is exhausted and falls asleep on me. You raise beautiful and wonderful dogs, I am forever grateful. Neilla
Dear Patrice, Just wanted to let you know the "boys" are doing great! They have breathed life back into our home and give us such joy! To anyone who is considering doing business with Carolina Shihtuzs, I am here to tell you, Patrice's puppies are top notch! Shih Tzus are my breed of choice and is the only breed I have owned the past the past 25 years. I bought not one, not two, but three of her puppies! They are top quality! They have beautiful coats and are highly intelligent. Patrice, if anyone would like to talk to me about my experience with dealing with you, you have my permission to give them my phone number.
Cheryl Stevens
CJ Sickles said: August 11th, 2011 2:49 pm Always great looking puppies. We got LULU about 2yrs ago can't tell you how many people fall in love with her. She weighs about 5.3 lbs. If anyone is ever in Tampa Fl come see her at Bing's Dog Grooming 1533 S. Dale Mabry Hwy
Janice O'Brien said: January 19th, 2011 9:26 pm
Sandi Pope said: December 17th, 2010 3:39 pm
Heather said: December 12th, 2010 11:41 pm
Rusty Hunter will be 6 months old on 9/10/2011; he is the best, everyone loves him and he loves everyone, especially the children. Many Shih Tzu owners never saw such a beautiful red color and even sometimes ask the breed. He gets to play with his 1/2 sister Sadie at least once a week and they have a great time. I bring Hunter to the office every day. We have shared your website with many others. Fred & Sylvia; Sunset Beach NC Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 10:16 PM
Subject: Sadie Update/March
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 11:42 PM Miss Sadie has been to Sanibel, Fl for vacation (we drove down and she did great), she had her spade operation (it was done by laser so less pain and quicker healing). She had 3 stiches and they were out in 14 days. She hasn't hit 5 lbs. yet. Yes, she loves Hunter. She has play dates with him and they really have a good time. They play non-stop for 45 min. at least. It is so cute to watch. She is mommie's girl!
From: Leslie
I just wanted to let you know that our little Ruby Sue is doing wonderful. We have found a bundle of joy in our lives having her. She is the talk of the town wherever we go. I take her a lot of places with me and they know her name but not mine. She is so good. She is spunky, full of energy, and personality plus, plus, plus. We are spoiling her. She and I start puppy school this evening. That will be fun Actually she is doing very well on her training. She is a lot smarter than the other two Shih Tzu's we had. She likes to have her belly rubbed every night to go to sleep. She crawls up in my arms, rolls over on her back and starts tapping me with her paw until I begin to scratch her tummy. I thought it was just a one time deal, but she has been doing this now every night for the last week. If my husband begins to scratch or rub my back, she gently nips at his fingers till he stops. She wants all the attention. And, you guessed it, we give her all the attention. She has puppy trained us very well Stay in touch. Blessings, Leslie and Stan Johnson
From: Fred Thorne Sent: Monday, May 9, 2011 4:31 PM Patrice Some photos of we think his name is going to be Rusty or Hunter so now we are calling him Rusty Hunter of Sunset Beach. He met Sadie for the first time today. Thought you would like to see some photos of Sadie and Hunter.They usually get together once a week and always have a good time Hunter is a real joy, and everyone loves him.
Carolina Shih Tzu
Patrice Chappell
Spruce Pine, N. Carolina 828-387-1365 |